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主页访问量 : 674 次访问
加入时间 : 2023-04-18
Debug messages:

Template: default


Session type: db

[tlu__Anwsion] Array ( [permission] => [client_info] => [human_valid] => )


Loaded Class:

core_config: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/config.php

core_db: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/db.php

Zend_Db: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db.php

Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php

Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php

Zend_Db_Profiler: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Profiler.php

Zend_Db_Statement_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement/Interface.php

Zend_Db_Statement: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement.php

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php

Zend_Registry: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Registry.php

Zend_Cache: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache.php

Zend_Cache_Backend: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend.php

Zend_Cache_Backend_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend/Interface.php

Zend_Cache_Backend_ExtendedInterface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend/ExtendedInterface.php

Zend_Db_Table_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Abstract.php

core_plugins: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/plugins.php

setting_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/setting.php

Zend_Db_Select: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Select.php

Zend_Db_Expr: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Expr.php

Zend_Session_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Abstract.php

Zend_Session: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session.php

Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/SaveHandler/Interface.php

Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/SaveHandler/DbTable.php

Zend_Exception: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Exception.php

Zend_Session_Exception: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Exception.php

Zend_Db_Table_Select: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Select.php

Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Rowset/Abstract.php

Zend_Db_Table_Rowset: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Rowset.php

Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php

Zend_Db_Table_Row: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Row.php

Zend_Session_Namespace: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Namespace.php

core_cache: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/cache.php

core_uri: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/uri.php

banip_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/banip.php

Zend_Validate_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate/Interface.php

Zend_Validate: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate.php

Zend_Loader: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Loader.php

Zend_Validate_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate/Abstract.php

core_user: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/user.php

admin_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/admin.php

TPL: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/

Savant3: /data/aiquanzi/system/Savant3.php

account_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/account.php

HTTP: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/

hook_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/hook.php

plugin_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/plugin.php

PLUTPL: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/

Zend_Filter_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Filter/Interface.php

Zend_Filter_Digits: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Filter/Digits.php

people_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/people.php

openid_weibo_oauth_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/openid/weibo/oauth.php

education_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/education.php

work_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/work.php

follow_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/follow.php

core_lang: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/lang.php

reputation_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/reputation.php

topic_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/topic.php

actions_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/actions.php

ACTION_LOG: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/

question_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/question.php


[ Log time: 1735934957.9959 ] [ Expend time: 0.0045690536499023 ] Connect Master DB

[ Log time: 1735934958.0019 ] [ Expend time: 0.0016689300537109 ] SELECT `wecenter_system_setting`.* FROM `wecenter_system_setting`

[ Log time: 1735934958.0082 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011129379272461 ] SELECT `wecenter_nav`.`url` FROM `wecenter_nav` WHERE (is_index=1 AND status='Y') LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0109 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010402202606201 ] SELECT `wecenter_ban_ip`.`id` FROM `wecenter_ban_ip` WHERE (ip='') LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0126 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011460781097412 ] SELECT `wecenter_nav`.* FROM `wecenter_nav` WHERE (status='Y') ORDER BY `sort` desc

[ Log time: 1735934958.0158 ] [ Expend time: 0.00086283683776855 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_group`.* FROM `wecenter_users_group` WHERE (group_id = 99) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0184 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012311935424805 ] SELECT `wecenter_hook_plugins`.`hook`, `wecenter_hook_plugins`.`plugins` FROM `wecenter_hook_plugins` WHERE (status = 1) ORDER BY `sort` DESC

[ Log time: 1735934958.0214 ] [ Expend time: 0.0019180774688721 ] SELECT `wecenter_plugins`.* FROM `wecenter_plugins` WHERE (state = 1)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0363 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012190341949463 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (is_del = 0 AND uid = 38) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0376 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012099742889404 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_attrib`.* FROM `wecenter_users_attrib` WHERE (uid = 38) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0464 ] [ Expend time: 0.0081970691680908 ] UPDATE wecenter_users SET views_count = views_count + 1 WHERE uid = 38

[ Log time: 1735934958.0482 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012161731719971 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_sina`.* FROM `wecenter_users_sina` WHERE (uid = 38) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0496 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012671947479248 ] SELECT `wecenter_education_experience`.* FROM `wecenter_education_experience` WHERE (uid = 38) ORDER BY `education_years` DESC

[ Log time: 1735934958.0512 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012619495391846 ] SELECT `wecenter_jobs`.* FROM `wecenter_jobs` ORDER BY `id` ASC

[ Log time: 1735934958.0524 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011229515075684 ] SELECT `wecenter_work_experience`.* FROM `wecenter_work_experience` WHERE (uid = 38) ORDER BY `start_year` DESC

[ Log time: 1735934958.0546 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012500286102295 ] SELECT `wecenter_reputation_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_reputation_topic` WHERE (uid IN(38)) ORDER BY `topic_count` DESC

[ Log time: 1735934958.0559 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011889934539795 ] SELECT `wecenter_user_follow`.* FROM `wecenter_user_follow` WHERE (friend_uid = 38) ORDER BY `add_time` DESC LIMIT 5

[ Log time: 1735934958.0569 ] [ Expend time: 0.00084686279296875 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_user_follow` WHERE (friend_uid = 38)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0585 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012137889862061 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (is_del = 0 AND uid = 45) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0596 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010600090026855 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_attrib`.* FROM `wecenter_users_attrib` WHERE (uid = 45) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0608 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011260509490967 ] SELECT `wecenter_user_follow`.* FROM `wecenter_user_follow` WHERE (fans_uid = 38) ORDER BY `add_time` DESC LIMIT 5

[ Log time: 1735934958.0618 ] [ Expend time: 0.00084185600280762 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_user_follow` WHERE (fans_uid = 38)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0636 ] [ Expend time: 0.001399040222168 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (is_del = 0 AND uid = 1) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0651 ] [ Expend time: 0.0014240741729736 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (is_del = 0 and uid IN(1))

[ Log time: 1735934958.0678 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011630058288574 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_focus`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_focus` WHERE (uid = 38)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0692 ] [ Expend time: 0.0013139247894287 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11)) ORDER BY `discuss_count` DESC LIMIT 10

[ Log time: 1735934958.0723 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012111663818359 ] SELECT `wecenter_user_action_history`.* FROM `wecenter_user_action_history` WHERE (((is_del=0 AND (associate_type = 1 AND uid = 38 AND associate_action IN(101))) AND fold_status = 0) AND anonymous = 0) ORDER BY `add_time` DESC LIMIT 10

[ Log time: 1735934958.0732 ] [ Expend time: 0.00084590911865234 ] SELECT `wecenter_question`.`is_del` FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE (question_id=115) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0741 ] [ Expend time: 0.00077104568481445 ] SELECT `wecenter_question`.`is_del` FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE (question_id=114) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.0753 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011680126190186 ] SELECT `wecenter_user_action_history_data`.* FROM `wecenter_user_action_history_data` WHERE (history_id IN(738,721))

[ Log time: 1735934958.079 ] [ Expend time: 0.0014071464538574 ] SELECT `wecenter_question`.* FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE ( is_del = 0 and question_id IN(115,114))

[ Log time: 1735934958.0802 ] [ Expend time: 0.00091814994812012 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_user_action_history` WHERE ((((is_del=0 AND associate_type = 1 AND uid = 38 AND associate_action IN(101))) AND fold_status = 0) AND anonymous = 0)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0812 ] [ Expend time: 0.00086402893066406 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_user_action_history` WHERE ((((is_del=0 AND associate_type = 1 AND uid = 38 AND associate_action IN(201))) AND fold_status = 0) AND anonymous = 0)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0822 ] [ Expend time: 0.00090193748474121 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_user_action_history` WHERE ((((is_del=0 AND associate_type = 1 AND uid = 38 AND associate_action IN(501))) AND fold_status = 0) AND anonymous = 0)

[ Log time: 1735934958.0899 ] [ Expend time: 0.00080490112304688 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=38) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.3416 ] [ Expend time: 0.001039981842041 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=45) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.3429 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011739730834961 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_weixin`.* FROM `wecenter_users_weixin` WHERE (uid=000000045) LIMIT 1

[ Log time: 1735934958.3443 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012068748474121 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_qq`.* FROM `wecenter_users_qq` WHERE (uid=000000045) LIMIT 1


[ Log time: 1735934958.0065 ] Backend: File

[ Log time: 1735934958.0065 ] [ Expend time: 0.000030 ] Get Cache: crond, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0148 ] [ Expend time: 0.000062 ] Get Cache: user_group_99, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0161 ] [ Expend time: 0.000039 ] Get Cache: users_group, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0163 ] [ Expend time: 0.000157 ] Save Cache: fkfvhvabwekgrlw_group_users_group, result type: array

[ Log time: 1735934958.0163 ] [ Expend time: 0.000512 ] Save Cache: user_group_99, result type: array

[ Log time: 1735934958.0379 ] [ Expend time: 0.000031 ] Get Cache: update_views_people_e2e2045955d52db204bb592ecdaf3524_38, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0382 ] [ Expend time: 0.000255 ] Save Cache: update_views_people_e2e2045955d52db204bb592ecdaf3524_38, result type: integer

[ Log time: 1735934958.0559 ] [ Expend time: 0.000030 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_a3832f0b00ae20b289be3658ecc59089, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0571 ] [ Expend time: 0.000247 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_a3832f0b00ae20b289be3658ecc59089, result type: integer

[ Log time: 1735934958.0609 ] [ Expend time: 0.000025 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_e56d1ccec42cba7cd2a1f67556176918, result type: boolean

[ Log time: 1735934958.0621 ] [ Expend time: 0.000235 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_e56d1ccec42cba7cd2a1f67556176918, result type: integer

Escape time: 0.35976600646973, 38 queries, PHP Memory usage: 5965.1171875 KB, Server time: 2025-01-04 04:09:17