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发布 2024-08-19 18:42 文 热
谷歌大佬神秘AI预测,视频被全网删除 AI圈子头条
人工智能能在几分钟内帮你打造出一款击败TikTok的竞争对手?谷歌前首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)表示,也许在未来几年内就能实现。几天前,...
发布 2024-08-19 18:42 文 热
人工智能能在几分钟内帮你打造出一款击败TikTok的竞争对手?谷歌前首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)表示,也许在未来几年内就能实现。几天前,...
Template: default
Session type: db
[tlu__Anwsion] Array ( [permission] => [client_info] => [human_valid] => )
Loaded Class:
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core_db: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/db.php
Zend_Db: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db.php
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Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php
Zend_Db_Profiler: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Profiler.php
Zend_Db_Statement_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement/Interface.php
Zend_Db_Statement: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement.php
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php
Zend_Registry: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Registry.php
Zend_Cache: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache.php
Zend_Cache_Backend: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend.php
Zend_Cache_Backend_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend/Interface.php
Zend_Cache_Backend_ExtendedInterface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Cache/Backend/ExtendedInterface.php
Zend_Db_Table_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Abstract.php
core_plugins: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/plugins.php
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Zend_Db_Expr: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Expr.php
Zend_Session_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Abstract.php
Zend_Session: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session.php
Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/SaveHandler/Interface.php
Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/SaveHandler/DbTable.php
Zend_Exception: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Exception.php
Zend_Session_Exception: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Exception.php
Zend_Db_Table_Select: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Select.php
Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Rowset/Abstract.php
Zend_Db_Table_Rowset: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Rowset.php
Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php
Zend_Db_Table_Row: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Db/Table/Row.php
Zend_Session_Namespace: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Session/Namespace.php
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core_uri: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/uri.php
banip_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/banip.php
Zend_Validate_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate/Interface.php
Zend_Validate: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate.php
Zend_Loader: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Loader.php
Zend_Validate_Abstract: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Validate/Abstract.php
core_user: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/user.php
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TPL: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/cls_template.inc.php
Savant3: /data/aiquanzi/system/Savant3.php
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HTTP: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/cls_http.inc.php
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PLUTPL: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/cls_plugins.inc.php
Zend_Filter_Interface: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Filter/Interface.php
Zend_Filter_Digits: /data/aiquanzi/system/Zend/Filter/Digits.php
system_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/system.php
menu_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/menu.php
module_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/module.php
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topic_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/topic.php
H: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/cls_helper.inc.php
feature_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/feature.php
posts_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/posts.php
answer_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/answer.php
question_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/question.php
article_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/article.php
publish_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/publish.php
core_pagination: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/pagination.php
core_lang: /data/aiquanzi/system/core/lang.php
FORMAT: /data/aiquanzi/system/class/cls_format.inc.php
Services_BBCode: /data/aiquanzi/system/Services/BBCode.php
dashang_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/dashang.php
index_show_class: /data/aiquanzi/plugins/wc_index_show/index_show_model.php
store_class: /data/aiquanzi/plugins/wc_store/store_model.php
job_class: /data/aiquanzi/models/job.php
repository_class: /data/aiquanzi/plugins/wc_repository/repository_model.php
[ Log time: 1736201004.1951 ] [ Expend time: 0.0048110485076904 ] Connect Master DB
[ Log time: 1736201004.2034 ] [ Expend time: 0.0036239624023438 ] SELECT `wecenter_system_setting`.* FROM `wecenter_system_setting`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2107 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012269020080566 ] SELECT `wecenter_nav`.`url` FROM `wecenter_nav` WHERE (is_index=1 AND status='Y') LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2136 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011248588562012 ] SELECT `wecenter_ban_ip`.`id` FROM `wecenter_ban_ip` WHERE (ip='') LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2179 ] [ Expend time: 0.0037112236022949 ] SELECT `wecenter_nav`.* FROM `wecenter_nav` WHERE (status='Y') ORDER BY `sort` desc
[ Log time: 1736201004.2213 ] [ Expend time: 0.00094699859619141 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_group`.* FROM `wecenter_users_group` WHERE (group_id = 99) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.224 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012969970703125 ] SELECT `wecenter_hook_plugins`.`hook`, `wecenter_hook_plugins`.`plugins` FROM `wecenter_hook_plugins` WHERE (status = 1) ORDER BY `sort` DESC
[ Log time: 1736201004.2268 ] [ Expend time: 0.0017929077148438 ] SELECT `wecenter_plugins`.* FROM `wecenter_plugins` WHERE (state = 1)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2432 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012209415435791 ] SELECT `wecenter_category`.* FROM `wecenter_category`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2449 ] [ Expend time: 0.001147985458374 ] SELECT `wecenter_nav_menu`.* FROM `wecenter_nav_menu` ORDER BY `sort` ASC
[ Log time: 1736201004.2466 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011401176452637 ] SELECT `wecenter_category`.* FROM `wecenter_category` WHERE (`type` = 'question') ORDER BY `id` ASC
[ Log time: 1736201004.2478 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011110305786133 ] SELECT `wecenter_category`.* FROM `wecenter_category` WHERE (`type` = 'question') ORDER BY `sort` ASC, `id` ASC
[ Log time: 1736201004.2498 ] [ Expend time: 0.001554012298584 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid <> 0 AND forbidden = 0 AND is_del = 0 AND last_active > 1735596204) ORDER BY `answer_count` DESC LIMIT 20
[ Log time: 1736201004.2506 ] [ Expend time: 0.00071597099304199 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_users`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2514 ] [ Expend time: 0.00074291229248047 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (valid_email = 1)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2522 ] [ Expend time: 0.00067400932312012 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_question`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2528 ] [ Expend time: 0.0006260871887207 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_article`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2536 ] [ Expend time: 0.0006721019744873 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_video`
[ Log time: 1736201004.2555 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012149810791016 ] SELECT `wecenter_answer`.* FROM `wecenter_answer` WHERE (is_thief=0 AND uid <> 0) ORDER BY `add_time` DESC LIMIT 30
[ Log time: 1736201004.2581 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010960102081299 ] SELECT question_id FROM wecenter_question WHERE category_id IN(20) ORDER BY add_time DESC LIMIT 200
[ Log time: 1736201004.2593 ] [ Expend time: 0.001121997833252 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_relation`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_relation` WHERE (item_id IN(115) AND `type` = 'question')
[ Log time: 1736201004.2607 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012800693511963 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(5) AND discuss_count_update > 1735596203) ORDER BY `discuss_count_last_week` DESC LIMIT 5
[ Log time: 1736201004.2627 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011811256408691 ] SELECT `wecenter_feature`.* FROM `wecenter_feature` WHERE (enabled = 1) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 5
[ Log time: 1736201004.2636 ] [ Expend time: 0.00079703330993652 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_feature` WHERE (enabled = 1)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2653 ] [ Expend time: 0.001331090927124 ] SELECT `wecenter_question`.* FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE (question_upday>0 AND question_upday>1736201004 AND category_id IN(20)) ORDER BY `question_upday` DESC LIMIT 20
[ Log time: 1736201004.2662 ] [ Expend time: 0.00076198577880859 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE (question_upday>0 AND question_upday>1736201004 AND category_id IN(20))
[ Log time: 1736201004.2684 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012049674987793 ] SELECT `wecenter_posts_index`.* FROM `wecenter_posts_index` WHERE (category_id IN(20) AND is_del = 0) ORDER BY `set_top_time` DESC, `update_time` DESC LIMIT 10
[ Log time: 1736201004.2693 ] [ Expend time: 0.00074601173400879 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_posts_index` WHERE (category_id IN(20) AND is_del = 0)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2716 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010490417480469 ] SELECT last_answer FROM wecenter_question WHERE question_id IN (115)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2728 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010631084442139 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_relation`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_relation` WHERE (item_id IN(115) AND `type` = 'question')
[ Log time: 1736201004.274 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010919570922852 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(5))
[ Log time: 1736201004.2773 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012199878692627 ] SELECT `wecenter_question`.* FROM `wecenter_question` WHERE (question_id IN(115))
[ Log time: 1736201004.2785 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010750293731689 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_relation`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_relation` WHERE (item_id IN(56) AND `type` = 'article')
[ Log time: 1736201004.2796 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010449886322021 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(4))
[ Log time: 1736201004.2818 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012049674987793 ] SELECT `wecenter_article`.* FROM `wecenter_article` WHERE (is_del = 0 and id IN(56))
[ Log time: 1736201004.283 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011229515075684 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.* FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (is_del = 0 AND uid = 38) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2841 ] [ Expend time: 0.00098395347595215 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_attrib`.* FROM `wecenter_users_attrib` WHERE (uid = 38) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2856 ] [ Expend time: 0.001317024230957 ] SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM wecenter_article_comments WHERE article_id = 0 AND uid <> 38 ORDER BY add_time DESC LIMIT 8
[ Log time: 1736201004.2868 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011048316955566 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_relation`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_relation` WHERE (item_id IN(115) AND `type` = 'question')
[ Log time: 1736201004.288 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010941028594971 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(5))
[ Log time: 1736201004.289 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010240077972412 ] SELECT agree_count FROM wecenter_answer WHERE question_id = 115 ORDER BY agree_count Desc
[ Log time: 1736201004.2902 ] [ Expend time: 0.00099492073059082 ] SELECT `wecenter_article`.* FROM `wecenter_article` WHERE (id = 56) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2914 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012140274047852 ] SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM wecenter_article_comments WHERE article_id = 56 AND uid <> 0 ORDER BY add_time DESC LIMIT 8
[ Log time: 1736201004.2926 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010828971862793 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic_relation`.* FROM `wecenter_topic_relation` WHERE (item_id IN(56) AND `type` = 'article')
[ Log time: 1736201004.2938 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010831356048584 ] SELECT `wecenter_topic`.* FROM `wecenter_topic` WHERE (topic_id IN(4))
[ Log time: 1736201004.2951 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012140274047852 ] SELECT `wecenter_article`.* FROM `wecenter_article` WHERE (id = 56)
[ Log time: 1736201004.2979 ] [ Expend time: 0.0014259815216064 ] SELECT `wecenter_attach`.* FROM `wecenter_attach` WHERE (item_type = 'article' AND item_id IN (0,56)) ORDER BY `is_image` DESC, `id` ASC
[ Log time: 1736201004.3001 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012569427490234 ] SELECT `wecenter_attach`.* FROM `wecenter_attach` WHERE (item_type = 'question' AND item_id IN (115,0)) ORDER BY `is_image` DESC, `id` ASC
[ Log time: 1736201004.3016 ] [ Expend time: 0.001147985458374 ] SELECT `wecenter_zhuanlan_list`.* FROM `wecenter_zhuanlan_list` WHERE (uid = 38 and topics = 'AI圈子头条') LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.3037 ] [ Expend time: 0.00080084800720215 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=38) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.4836 ] [ Expend time: 0.001507043838501 ] SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM wecenter_answer WHERE is_thief=0 AND uid <> 0 AND add_time > 1735596204 ORDER BY add_time DESC LIMIT 18
[ Log time: 1736201004.4856 ] [ Expend time: 0.0013179779052734 ] SELECT DISTINCT item_id,item_trueid,uid,touid,shangnum,types FROM wecenter_dashang_list WHERE update_time > 1735596204 ORDER BY update_time DESC LIMIT 36
[ Log time: 1736201004.4906 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012519359588623 ] SELECT `wecenter_index_show`.* FROM `wecenter_index_show` WHERE (status = 1) ORDER BY `sort` DESC LIMIT 4
[ Log time: 1736201004.4916 ] [ Expend time: 0.00082278251647949 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_index_show` WHERE (status = 1)
[ Log time: 1736201004.4943 ] [ Expend time: 0.0013720989227295 ] SELECT `wecenter_store_goods`.* FROM `wecenter_store_goods` WHERE (status = 1 AND down_type != 0) ORDER BY `add_time` desc LIMIT 10
[ Log time: 1736201004.4953 ] [ Expend time: 0.00081896781921387 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_store_goods` WHERE (status = 1 AND down_type != 0)
[ Log time: 1736201004.9668 ] [ Expend time: 0.0010268688201904 ] SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS count FROM wecenter_job_content WHERE display <= '1'
[ Log time: 1736201004.9684 ] [ Expend time: 0.0012509822845459 ] SELECT * FROM wecenter_job_content WHERE display <= '1' ORDER BY add_time DESC LIMIT 0, 10
[ Log time: 1736201004.9709 ] [ Expend time: 0.0015799999237061 ] SELECT `wecenter_repository`.* FROM `wecenter_repository` WHERE (`status` = '1' AND `name` IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY `add_time` desc LIMIT 10
[ Log time: 1736201004.9719 ] [ Expend time: 0.00081205368041992 ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `wecenter_repository` WHERE (`status` = '1' AND `name` IS NOT NULL)
[ Log time: 1736201005.2103 ] [ Expend time: 0.00094795227050781 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=40) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201005.2112 ] [ Expend time: 0.00076603889465332 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=41) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201005.2165 ] [ Expend time: 0.0009307861328125 ] SELECT `wecenter_users`.`avatar_file` FROM `wecenter_users` WHERE (uid=47) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201005.2179 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011980533599854 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_weixin`.* FROM `wecenter_users_weixin` WHERE (uid=000000047) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201005.2191 ] [ Expend time: 0.0011019706726074 ] SELECT `wecenter_users_qq`.* FROM `wecenter_users_qq` WHERE (uid=000000047) LIMIT 1
[ Log time: 1736201004.2085 ] Backend: File
[ Log time: 1736201004.2086 ] [ Expend time: 0.000078 ] Get Cache: crond, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2086 ] [ Expend time: 0.000009 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_half_minute, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2087 ] [ Expend time: 0.000008 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_minute, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2087 ] [ Expend time: 0.000009 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_five_minutes, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2087 ] [ Expend time: 0.000007 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_ten_minutes, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2087 ] [ Expend time: 0.000050 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_week, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.2088 ] [ Expend time: 0.000060 ] Get Cache: crond_timer_day, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.2203 ] [ Expend time: 0.000070 ] Get Cache: user_group_99, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2217 ] [ Expend time: 0.000035 ] Get Cache: users_group, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2218 ] [ Expend time: 0.000126 ] Save Cache: fkfvhvabwekgrlw_group_users_group, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2218 ] [ Expend time: 0.000436 ] Save Cache: user_group_99, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2436 ] [ Expend time: 0.000055 ] Get Cache: nav_menu_list, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2452 ] [ Expend time: 0.000034 ] Get Cache: nav_menu, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2453 ] [ Expend time: 0.000121 ] Save Cache: fkfvhvabwekgrlw_group_nav_menu, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2453 ] [ Expend time: 0.000430 ] Save Cache: nav_menu_list, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2537 ] [ Expend time: 0.000119 ] Get Cache: top_hot_users, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.2627 ] [ Expend time: 0.000075 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_1e26cbb70e545c6ce6c3f94da2094d5f, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2639 ] [ Expend time: 0.000218 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_1e26cbb70e545c6ce6c3f94da2094d5f, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.2653 ] [ Expend time: 0.000030 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_d4e1d91a86a7b9f9ffc84ef0560c31df, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2685 ] [ Expend time: 0.000115 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_2fc0af6d55ab4fc87355010d99edc0e3, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2695 ] [ Expend time: 0.000192 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_2fc0af6d55ab4fc87355010d99edc0e3, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.2842 ] [ Expend time: 0.000024 ] Get Cache: answer_users_by_article_id_ff9028faec74be6ec9b852b0a542e2f39, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.2891 ] [ Expend time: 0.000025 ] Get Cache: answer_users_by_article_id_fdd458505749b2941217ddd59394240e8, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.4821 ] [ Expend time: 0.000044 ] Get Cache: foxbox_users_46d7d44cb90d04e9530b5af82faebb0d, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.4843 ] [ Expend time: 0.000075 ] Get Cache: get_dashang_list_12, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.4858 ] [ Expend time: 0.000222 ] Save Cache: get_dashang_list_12, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.4907 ] [ Expend time: 0.000064 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_1e17e51cf924626090eb23f89b52e9c4, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.4918 ] [ Expend time: 0.000207 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_1e17e51cf924626090eb23f89b52e9c4, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.4944 ] [ Expend time: 0.000061 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_8e59eef826e1d998fe7eae2d52f2180c, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.4955 ] [ Expend time: 0.000192 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_8e59eef826e1d998fe7eae2d52f2180c, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.9658 ] [ Expend time: 0.000074 ] Get Cache: job_list_found_rows_ea20a043c08f5168d4409ff4144f32e2, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.9671 ] [ Expend time: 0.000266 ] Save Cache: job_list_found_rows_ea20a043c08f5168d4409ff4144f32e2, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.9672 ] [ Expend time: 0.000031 ] Get Cache: job_list_d930a720ca85bdf0401d9237fddce04d, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.9686 ] [ Expend time: 0.000181 ] Save Cache: job_list_d930a720ca85bdf0401d9237fddce04d, result type: array
[ Log time: 1736201004.971 ] [ Expend time: 0.000056 ] Get Cache: db_rows_cache_72432e60abe87bdcb4996df534f9a384, result type: boolean
[ Log time: 1736201004.9721 ] [ Expend time: 0.000192 ] Save Cache: db_rows_cache_72432e60abe87bdcb4996df534f9a384, result type: integer
[ Log time: 1736201004.2088 ] Tag: week, Last run time: 2025-01-06 21:40:35
[ Log time: 1736201004.2088 ] Tag: day, Last run time: 2025-01-06 22:35:23
Escape time: 1.0531079769135, 65 queries, PHP Memory usage: 7513.921875 KB, Server time: 2025-01-07 06:03:24